Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi is an American Model, and an aspirant Actress. She was born Andrea Almasi in Hendersonville Tennessee on 5 June 1985. She has been Briefcase Model No.19 in the first episode of the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal which ran in late December 2005. AJ lived in Hendersonville Tennessee and was a awkward "tomboy" who wore braces and glasses. AJ never imagined that this is something she can accomplish, yet in the same time, she is a fan of performing. Her family members told her and her friends that she was a "bubbly" persona and that she can do anything in the world in the event that she believes in it. Almasi quickly transformed from a shy non-pretentious girl into a stunning model after she moved in Los Angeles in order to pursue a career as a model and actor. Aj Almasi's real name is Andrea Almasi. In December of 2005, she was selected to be one of the 26 Briefcase Models to appear on the upcoming NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. She is an actress, well-known for Deal or No Deal (2005), Bikini Destinations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005). she stood beside Briefcase AJ stays focussed on her work in modeling and acting as a model and actor in L.A. and hopes to do a lot more of it.

pics A.J. Mendez feet & legs pics A.J. Mendez feet & legs Pics  aglaSikel Feet And legs Pics  aglaSikel Feet And legs Pics  aglaSikel Feet And legs Pics  aglaSikel Feet And legs Pics  aglaSikel Feet And legs pics Africa Zavala feet and legs pics Africa Zavala feet and legs pics Africa Zavala feet and legs pics Africa Zavala feet and legs pics Africa Zavala feet and legs


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